The writer has posted comments on this article TNN | Jun 7, 2012, 03.53AM IST
AGARTALA: Agartala-based Association for Research on People and Nature (Arpan) has planned to set up a plasma gasification plant in the city to manage the growing solid waste here. The organization has also trained as many as 30 female entrepreneurs on manufacturing carry bags with waste paper and cloth.
Arpan vice president D Daschoudhury on Wednesday said the Agartala Municipal Council (AMC) had been facing problems in dumping solid wastes and recycling non-degradable desecrates generated by city dwellers. “AMC does not have trained manpower and proper infrastructure for solid waste management. But, they are spending about Rs 70 lakh every month in cleaning, sweeping and dumping the waste into the ground and this is a major concern for us,” Daschoudhury said. Plasma gasification is a technology to convert solid waste into energy at medium-scale investment. This technology is successfully running in Bangalore, Nagpur and Chennai.