From: Michelle Wong []
Sent: Friday, December 23, 2011 09:35
Subject: Chief Executive Candidates’ visions on Hong Kong Urban Development
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Season’s Greetings from Civic Exchange!
New Year is just round the corner. We wish you a happy 2012!
Civic Exchange would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your support in the past year. We hope you enjoyed reading our regular updates and we will continue to bring you our news via newsletters, Facebook and Twitter. |
Forum – Chief Executive Election 2010: Vision of Urban Development
(9 December 2011) Civic Exchange, Society for Protection of the Harbour, DesigningHongKong, Planning Alliance, Harbour Business Forum, Hong Kong Institute of Urban Design, and the Faculty of Law of HKU co-organized a forum on 9 Dec 2011 on Hong Kong’s Urban Development. The dialogues between the candidates and forum participants facilitated our understanding of the candidates’ vision. [Download Video Recordings & Media Coverage]
Submission – Regional co-operation plan on
building a quality living area
(30 November 2011) Civic Exchange supports the vision of the Pearl River Delta (PRD) as an “exemplar city cluster of green and quality living”. To realize this, Civic Exchange provided feedback in three broad areas, including “Overarching policy principles, process and timelines, “Dealing with conflicts and other policy tools”, and “Some possible early ‘wins’”. We also made comments on a number of specific issues. [Download submission]
[Download Speakers Presentations and Video recordings] |
[Download Speakers Presentations, Video recordings and Summary Report] |
Jeremy Godfrey incident, the Kitty Chong tree collapse tragedy, the Falun Gong immigration case, Tamar relocation document loss, and many recent controversies were serious consequences from poor public records management. Civic Exchange released a report “The Memory Hole: Why Hong Kong Needs an Archives Law” to highlight the deficiencies in the current system and propose solutions to remediate the situation. [Download full report and feature stories] |
Civic Exchange in CleanBiz Asia
2 December 2011 – By Su Liu
What’s the benefit of high-rise farmers and rural appliances?
27 November 2011 – By Veronica Booth
Clear sailing toward shipping emissions regulation?