From: CLP News [] Sent: 21 December, 2012 19:28 To: Subject: 西氣東輸二線天然氣供港協議獲通過
Second West-East Gas Pipeline Gas Supply Agreement Approved
Dear Friends,
Subsequent to our announcement made last week on the 2013 tariff adjustment, I would like to give you another update on CLP’s latest business development – the commercial agreement to bring natural gas from the Second West-East Gas Pipeline (WEPII) to Hong Kong has recently been approved by the Executive Council of the HKSAR Government.
CLP requires new gas sources to timely replace the existing Yacheng gas field which is depleting rapidly. The new gas supply is also essential for CLP to sustain a green power generation to meet government’s increasingly stringent emissions requirement beyond 2015 and to help raise the city’s air quality. According to PetroChina, WEPII is the largest energy investment project in the history of modern China. It is one of the three new gas sources for securing Hong Kong a long term and stable gas supply as contemplated under the Memorandum of Understanding on energy cooperation signed between the HKSAR Government and the Central Government in 2008. Following ExCo’s approval on the Gas Supply Agreement, WEPII gas will arrive Hong Kong early next year, opening a new chapter in Hong Kong’s clean power generation history.
For more details about the WEPII project and the related gas supply agreement, please refer to the enclosed press release or visit the following website:
Thank you for your continuous support and CLP will continue to provide a safe, reliable, environmentally-friendly and reasonably priced electricity supply for Hong Kong, as we always do. May I take this opportunity to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Best regards,
Quince Chong
Chief Corporate Development Officer
CLP Power Hong Kong Limited
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