Dear friends,
CLP Holdings today held a press briefing to announce its annual results. Following the briefing, there are enquiries regarding a news report which says, “…concerning the interim review of the Scheme of Control Agreement between CLP and the Government, CLP will not accept any unfair modifications, implying CLP’s withdrawal from supplying electricity in Hong Kong.” The connection between the interim review and CLP’s commitment to Hong Kong is invalid. CLP made no remark that bears any implications about a market withdrawal.
At the press briefing today, Mrs Betty Yuen, Vice Chairman of CLP Power, made the following response to press questions: “CLP has been servicing Hong Kong for 111 years…..reflecting our commitment to Hong Kong. We would like to continue to serve Hong Kong, and provide a reliable and clean energy supply to the city. We are confident that we can reach a consensus with our stakeholders regarding the post-2018 regulatory environment. CLP will actively and constructively engage the government and the community on refining the future regulatory framework.”
Regarding media and public concerns over future electricity tariff adjustments, CLP would like to reiterate that it will exercise strict discipline in cost control with prudent financial management. We expect that, in accordance with the Government’s increasing emissions requirements, the need to use more natural gas will increase future fuel costs. This will inevitably put pressure on tariffs. In anticipation of this trend, CLP is taking actions to defer and minimise the impact of high fuel costs as much as we can, and to contain the tariff increase to a reasonable level.
To this end, the measures adopted by CLP include: working with Yacheng Supplier to optimise the use of the gas field in order to defer the use of the more costly replacement gas; increasing the purchase of low emission coals from worldwide sources to reduce gas consumption; and enhancing the operational performance of emission control equipment and the efficiency of coal-fired generating units. Nevertheless, there are uncertainties in pursuing these initiatives. CLP will try its very best to alleviate the pressure of rising tariffs.
Thank you.
Quince Chong
Chief Corporate Development Officer
CLP Power Hong Kong
事實上,中華電力有限公司副主席阮蘇少湄於發布會上,對有關傳媒提問時回應:「中電已經在香港服務了111年… 反映了中電對香港的承擔, 我們希望能夠繼續服務香港, 為香港提供可靠、乾淨的能源。我們有信心就2018年後的監管模式,能夠達至一個大家都可以接受的方案,中電會積極地、有建設性地和政府,以及所有香港市民,商量如何改善這個監管模式。」
所採取的措施包括:與崖城供應商合作,優化氣田用量,以延遲使用氣價較高的替代氣源 ;在國際市場增加採購低排放燃煤,以降低採用天然氣的比例 ;以及提升減排設備運行表現及燃煤發電機組效率。然而,以上各項措施仍面對一些不明朗因素,中電將竭盡所能,以減輕電價上調的壓力。